The term 'Hacker' refers to the person who involves in hacking. Hacking itself is defined differently by different groups of people. This has led to the state called 'the long standing hacker definition controversy'. Mainly, there are 2 conflicting definitions used by 2 different groups.

Most people involved in computer security attributes 'hacker' as
"A person who finds out weaknesses in the computer system and exploits it."
In this meaning, a negative sense is brought upon.
However, most people involved in programming refers to 'hacker' as
"A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary."
This definition gives a totally different view on the term and is attributed with highly positive sense.

It is assumed that the term 'hacker' was originally used to someone messing about something in a positive sense. Over decades, it became a reference to computer criminals. Today, this is the popular definition. But still, within the computing community it is used to describe a brilliant programmer or technical expert(the historical meaning). How this controversy was created is considered the responsibility of mainstream media. Since most of the technical community insist on the historical meaning, terms such as 'cracker' has been raised to replace the popular definition. Further terms such as 'black hat', 'white hat', 'gray hat' came into use when laws against breaking into computers were set.
It is clear that there is no single universally accepted definition for 'hacker'. People involved in different fields have different views about the definition. And no matter how contrasting they may be, most of them are acceptable.
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