In the last week of November, StatCounter claimed that Google Chrome version 15 has become the Worlds' most popular web browser! Still Microsoft's Internet Explorer is the most popular one collectively with all its versions-StatCounter claims...
StatCounter says, 23.6 percent of the browsers tracked by its global system were Chrome 15. Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 accounted for 23.5 percent.
Google Chrome Logo Story Joke |
"It's just one browser version during one particular week"

When all versions are taken into account, IE is the most popular browser with 40.09% of market, vs 26.31% for Chrome, whereas Firefox is at 25.07%. Apple's Safari has secured 5.86% while Opera is at 1.91%
The reason as to why Chrome is ahead in version-wise evaluation is that it carries a built-in updating system which quietly updates users to new versions. Analysts however predicts this achievement by Chrome may not last for long. Older version IE8 users who outnumbers Chrome 15 users may soon register in trackings, and may snatch the title within the next weeks to come.

Internet Explorer remains the most used web browser since the 1990s when Netscape Navigator collapsed; which was the previous leader. Firefox came into light to provide worth competition to IE and came into steady-state when Google released its version of browser: Chrome which soon surpassed Firefox. Internet Explorer still has the best potential since it comes pre-installed on Windows Operating System. But, it would be unwise to decide Chrome could not overthrow IE sooner or later.
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