Friday, December 16, 2011

Has JavaScript got anything to do with JAVA?

Anyone interested in web development is sure to have heard of JavaScript and most of them might even have studied it. 

Ever wondered how JavaScript got its name? Originally it was called Mocha when developed by Netscape Communications Corporation. It was first released titled "LiveScript" with a Netscape Navigator Release. But why did it suddenly associate with "JAVA"?

Java and JavaScript are 2 seperate languages. They share no common origin. But, both of them are Object-Oriented. Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling of SUN Microsystems. Web applications based on Java are in a form called 'applets'. Applets however doesnot fully embed in HTML code; they come in seperate files.

JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape. As a scripting language, it comes fully-embedded in HTML code. 

Why LiveScript was renamed as JavaScript is believed to be just a marketting plot. At the time of LiveScript release, Java was gaining high popularity. Seeing this oppotunity, Netscape renamed its scripting language as 'JavaScript' and claimed similarities between the 2 languages. Netscape made sure that they get permission from SUN Microsystems for the name while agreeing to implement Java support on Navigator browser.

With the help of Java wave, JavaScript became popular: causing most people to think it as a version of Java.

Netscape Navigator competitor at the time (which was Microsoft's Internet Explorer) implemented their compatible scripting language as 'JScript'.

With time, popularity of JavaScript declined until the advent of AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML). And now yet again, it is gaining popularity.

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